- The radio crackled into life. 收音机嘎嘎地响了起来。
- The radio crackled for a few minutes, and Lonsdale's pencil scratched out the decrypt. 无线电吱吱嘎嘎地响了几分钟,朗斯代尔用铅笔草草地写出了电文。
- We found the thunder set the radio crackling . 我们发现打雷使得收音机咔咔作响。
- The radio relieves the monotony of everyday life. 收音机缓解了我们日常生活的单调状况。
- When a flash of lightening shatters the dark, the radio crackles. 当闪电划破夜空时,收音机嘎嘎作响。
- According to the radio's specifications, this wire should go into that hole. 按照这台收音机的说明书,这根电线应该穿到那个洞里。
- She petitioned her neighbor to turn down the radio. 她请求邻居把收音机关小点声。
- Are you settling in well into life in the city? 问:你在利物浦这个城市适应的好吗?
- They've been plugging his new show on the radio. 他们一直在电台上宣传他的新节目。
- Let's set the clock by the radio time signal. 咱们照着收音机的报时信号把钟对一对。
- The plane homed in on the radio beacon. 飞机遵循导航台信号降落。
- Don't you think the radio's a bit loud? 你觉得收音机的声音是不是太吵了点?
- He told his son not to mess with the radio. 他叫儿子不要乱摆收音机。
- Hughes's radio crackled to life: “The only way out is the way you went in.” But the driver shook his head. 休斯的无线电通信机响了起来:“唯一的办法是,你怎么进来的就再怎么出去。”
- We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。
- The radio could do with a repair. 这台收音机需要修理。
- She had a singular insight into life. 她对于人生有一个非凡的了解。
- He asked me to turn on the radio for him. 他让我替他打开收音机。
- Turn the radio off! That music jars on my nerves. 把收音机关掉!那音乐使我心烦意乱。
- The radio is legitimately owned by the company. 该电台为这家公司所合法拥有。